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发布时间:2021/8/29 11:35:06 编辑:jsy




School leavers go travelling or work for a period before they go directly to university. Are there more advantages or disadvantages on their study?




take a gap year 间隔年

edge 优势 

academic performance 学习成绩

advocates of the practice 提倡这种做法的人

passionate 热情的 

recognition 认识

restricted 受限制的

a broader view of life 更广阔的人生视野

a clearer perspective of career aspiration 更清晰的职业愿景

higher academic motivation and engagement later 更高的学术动机和参与度

break the momentum of study 打破学习的势头

are accustomed to 习惯于

opponents of this practice 这种做法的反对者

precisely 恰恰

crystallize one’s decision-making 明确一个人的决策

develop self-directed and self-regulation skills 培养自我指导和自我调节的技能

predictor 预测物

scholastic attainment 学业成绩

self-reliance 自力更生

motivated and effective learners 积极有效的学习者


Whether to take a gap year between high school and university has become a major question for many. Some argue this practice is beneficial, while others think otherwise. Generally, I believe it gives an edge in one’s academic performance. 

The advocates of the practice claim that taking this crucial year off can help to give the direction students need to choose a major they are passionate about. The reason for the recognition is that students who pass directly from school to university can be restricted in terms of general knowledge and experience of the world. Conversely, those who have the experience of travelling abroad or earning a living tend to have a broader view of life and therefore a clearer perspective of career aspiration. In this case, gap year students are more likely to have higher academic motivation and engagement later on in university.

On the other hand, others are worried that taking a gap year can break the momentum of study. After high school, students are accustomed to going to classes, taking tests, and writing papers; thus, their study skills could suffer if they took a break for a year. Unfortunately, opponents of this practice are unaware of the fact that requirements of university study are rather different. Independence is a very important factor in academic study and research, and a gap year is precisely about crystallizing one’s decision-making and developing self-directed and self-regulation skills. It is safe to say that the best predictor of students’ future scholastic attainment is the level of their self-reliance.

In conclusion, I believe students should be advised to think about the option of taking a break before going straight to university when necessary, which will encourage them to become more motivated and effective learners. 



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